Sunday, February 1, 2009

Candidate #0000

Once again, I have a candidate number. Once again I spend my free time reviewing/fixing my resume (last time around, I "reviewed/fixed" it countless times and after I finally decided it was good and started sent it to about 20 institutions, I realized that I had a typo in it...good news though: I got a job at one of those 20 schools in spite of the typo), writing cover letters, staring at the same job postings over and over again, researching institutions and in general just agonizing over the job search.

It's been three years since I last had to do that. That was also when I started writing this blog, back then as "Candidate #0000." I browsed through some old entries and came across my "final thoughts" regarding the job search...

"Job searching... one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" experiences (just that you know you'll have to go through it again some day...but hopefully it won't be as bad because you'll have more experience and usually won't be as pressured to find a job)

...means that your self-confidence will take a beating. There's just no way around it. Keep your head up and remember: there's a light at the end of the tunnel (as cheesy as that sounds, but seriously, you'll make it through). And remember, you only need one offer - the right offer. not a competition, even though some people will try to make it one. Don't let them drag you into this comparing who has more interviews at conference, who had more on-campus interviews, etc. Job searching is one third luck, one third experience and qualifications and one third coincidence. Some people will find a job early; others won't. It doesn't mean that one of them is more qualified. It also doesn't mean that one of them will get the better job. It just means that one of them was in the right place at the right time. about finding A job, not necessarily the perfect job. Don't get stuck on what you think your dream job, dream location, dream institution is...this will be your first job. You'll have many more chances to get to that "ideal position and institution." Keep re-evaluating your priorities...and maybe you'll end up somewhere totally different and be much happier about it."

I thought job searching wouldn't be "as bad" the second time around. I'm not so sure about that anymore. I feel just as nervous and anxious when I think about it. There's just about the same amount of pressure; after all, I turned in my intent letter saying that I will not be returning. So if this doesn't work out...
Okay, let's not think about that.

I've almost finalized my resume - almost! I had three people look at it. I've made lots and lots of changes. But then I realized I should probably add this assessment grant that I received last year to my resume...and how do you cite an assessment grant? What section should I add it to?
I spent lots of time searching internet sites to figure out a good way to cite it; I haven't found anything. Oh well. I put it on there somehow. I'll probably ask a few people in the office on Monday for advice. I'm just annoyed because I wanted to have it all done by tonight. Argh!

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