Thursday, February 26, 2009

So much for job searching...

I started off this week thinking that I would finally get around to doing some job searching. I finally asked my references at the beginning of this week whether or not they'd be willing to serve as a reference. I wrote a first draft of my cover letter. All I needed to do now was alter this cover letter to fit the different positions and then actually apply....
Can't be that hard, right?

Not so fast. I put job searching on my to-do list for Tuesday night. I had the best intentions. Then life happened....

I've spent the rest of the week dealing with strange and unusual student situation - those things that hardly ever happen and where you don't know what to do. I've spent hours every night trying to hunt down certain students, setting up meetings, meeting, updating my supervisor, hunting down the next student, etc. I haven't had a second to breathe; I didn't get any of the other things done that I should have been doing. In the few minutes I had left, I was working on advertising and promotion for Invisible Children.

I'm also getting sick; or actually I think I am sick. I'm burning up right now. Earlier I was freezing. I can't think straight; my throat hurts like hell, I keep losing my voice, my head hurts and I basically just feel like I'm about to die. But of course I don't have time to be sick. We have interviews for graduate students tomorrow. I also have to hunt down a few more students, have some meetings I can't miss and really need to get started on that to-do list.
And then of course job searching....


Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I just wanted to tell you that everything will turn out alright! :-) I know, when you are stuck in the middle of such a "mess" you can hardly believe that it will become better ever. But surprisingly it always does. There will be this rainbow for you too and things will change to the better again. Job searching is always tough, especially in your situation with this whole visa thing making it not easier. But there are people out there who follow your blog and keep their fingers crossed for you ... why do I know all this? Okay, I admit it, I am one of them and I wish you all the best. YES, YOU CAN ... like Obama would say!!! :-) said...

Thanks for the encouraging words!

Anonymous said...

I read your whole post, its very nice. Thanks for the nice one.
from Job Listing