Friday, September 12, 2008

Music is taking over my life :)

There were times when music used to play a huge part in my life - when I took ballroom dancing lessons, when I was a member of WAMCO (Western Austrian Musical COmpany), during my exchange year when I was in choir, when we started our acappella group in college...just to name a few - but then I got sucked into this world of Student Affairs and my love for music was pushed aside. My "hobbies" during the last few years as an undergrad were all related to Student Affairs - leadership positions such as being a Resident Assistant, Orientation Leader, Executive Board Member of the National Residence Hall Honorary. And then I turned those hobbies into my profession...and suddenly I didn't have any hobbies anymore; I forgot what I used to do prior to Student Affairs and I didn't have or make the time to find anything new.

This past week, music has suddenly forced itself into my life again. It all started with the We The Living concert. Then, music came "flooding in" from every angle. One of my residents asked me if we could organize another concert - he has a friend who is a singer/songwriter and could come up for a weekend; he even burnt me a CD of his friend's songs. I checked one of my friend's MySpace pages - she is a singer/songwriter - and her new album just happens to come out in a few days (I can't wait!!!). I've arranged my advising schedule to make sure I could attend certain concerts. And this morning, when one of my RAs missed his one-on-one with me, I used that hour to play piano. I haven't done that in a long time.

Do I actually have a hobby again?

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