Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why do bad things always happen on/around my birthday?

I know, I know. I'm in the middle of telling you all about "the interview" and now I suddenly post this entry about a completely different topic. No worries, the interview story will continue...soon.
But I had to get something else off my chest....

Why do bad things always happen on/around my birthday? Over the past few years, it just seems that bad things always happen just around this time of the year. And then it's my birthday and people expect me to be super happy and excited...and I can't because there's too much bad stuff going on. So in the last few years, I've started trying to ignore my birthday. I don't really celebrate; I avoid people so I don't have to hear them wishing me a happy birthday and expect me to be all happy/cheerful in return when I'm just wondering what the next bad thing is that will happen.
I'm usually not superstitious and yes, my brain definitely tells me that it's just been a coincidence that some bad things have happened around my birthday, but still....

So anyway, this year...

Well, there was the whole car issue (see "The Interview - Part I"). Granted, it didn't happen ON my birthday but four days before. I did have the pleasure though to dealing with it ON my birthday. I woke up early to call AAA to have my car towed to the dealership. Then, I was on the phone with the dealership several times throughout the day trying to figure out what was going on (they had to drain the tank and clean out the fuel system and all that - they thought there could be more damage, fortunately they at least "think" now that there isn't...they're not sure though and I'm supposed to keep an eye on that); I got to pay $279 for all this; I met with the police and filed a police report.
I had wanted to go to the movies on my birthday. I had scheduled some late-evening evaluation meetings with my RAs, but there was this long break in the middle of the day. So I figured, since I was working in the evening, why not take a couple hours off and go to the movies. The Hannah Montana movie is out. I know, childish, cheesy, all this...still, I enjoy the Disney channel and I'm sure I'll enjoy this movie. So yeah, that was my plan. But then, without my car, I couldn't go because it wasn't playing in town and I didn't have anyone who'd drive me to the next town or who'd want to go to the movie with me. So much for having fun on your birthday....

I was in a pretty crappy mood but I kept telling myself, "Don't worry. At least you'll have fun this weekend." Because for this weekend, one of my friends and I had planned to go to Denver for a concert and just to get away from here and have fun. That was supposed to be my birthday celebration! It'd also be the first real vacation I'm taking this semester. Needless to say, I've been looking forward to this all semester!!!

So anyway, I wake up this morning with a killer headache. Great! I drag myself to the office; do work - one thing after the other keeps going wrong. Residents telling Housing I'm saying things I never said (actually I said exactly the opposite); Housing (instead of calling me to check) calls my supervisor and then I get that lovely phone call from my supervisor. I'm still dealing with key issues that started at the beginning of April. Students messing up RSVP numbers for our banquet on Monday and me having to call and change those - and then receiving fun e-mails that are suggesting "nicely" that I'm an idiot. Me trying to figure out where exactly the concert tomorrow is and being unable to do so - being transferred back and forth between the same offices until I finally gave up and figured I'll just go there, drive around and try to find it.
The whole time, the thing that cheers me up: tomorrow you'll be far away from here and having a great time!!!!

And then I get a phone call from my friend. It's supposed to snow tomorrow in Denver and her parents are forbidden her to fly. What!?! We can't cancel anything at this point. Yes, it's supposed to snow - and if it gets really bad there's a chance that our flight will be cancelled. But there's also a chance it won't. And me, for my part, am very willing to take that chance. Okay, so if we make it to Denver and it snows a lot, we may not be able to do all the things we wanted to do. But we'll still be far away from here, in a hotel with a swimming pool, relaxing and having a great time! Isn't that worth it? I mean, we already paid for all this...
And yes, if it gets really bad, they'll cancel the flight and we won't be able to go. But let's at least try and go to the airport and see what happens.

Argh! I can't believe this is happening. I'm still going to Denver. But my friend doesn't want to make her parents angry; so it looks like my fabulous birthday celebration that I've been looking forward to for months will be a very lonely adventure.

I guess we jinxed ourselves by calling it "my birthday celebration."


Anonymous said...

That's extremely unfortunate that all of those things happened near and on your birthday. However, after hearing from you multiple times that my birthday is not cursed, I am returning the favor. :) Your birthday is not cursed. We all love you! So the day that you were born is not all bad.

And let's get something straight lol, it was student (in the singular form of the word) who messed up the banquet number. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah crappy things always happen on/around my birthday and it always makes me REALLY depressed. Like this year my grandmother got in a car crash and last year I got in a car crash. It's so annoying and I just hate it!