Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Service vs. Activism

I've done a lot of service lately - especially because of my living learning community theme...well and obviously I'm on a service trip right now (that I organized...what was I thinking?!?). But I'm honestly not sure if doing service is "the right thing." It feels like it's just a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Wouldn't it be more beneficial if we became activitist, get politically engaged and try to problems in our country that lead to us needing to do service? If we could change political systems and our society so that nobody would live in poverty, we wouldn't have to do service (at least not locally). But then again, if we count on/wait for those long-term solutions, what about all the people living in poverty right now?!? I guess it's one of those situations where you need to find a good balance between the two.
Just a thought....

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